
Wax, fruit, sea foam, feather, light, fauna, statue, dark, meteorite, cliff, birth, death, projectile, earth, fire, shadow, flight, fall, fixed, unfixed. Is the image ever truly fixed?

While the print is literally fixed to the paper using a chemical compound, the content of that print is constantly in flux. Photographs are dialogical, they communicate, creating various associations and links with the environment they inhabit and other images that might inhibit the same space. Language is what binds the visual to knowledge, and just as words can be crafted into sentences, so can images.

While they can represent something of the world, they can also disrupt it, mould it into something new, creating associations that allude to something other than what exists in reality. Prometheus is based on a visualisation of Greek mythological fictions, but is Greek mythology not itself an analogy of natural phenomenon. Photographs are layered, malleable, and poetic. An attempt to picture is an attempt to represent, liquifying the subject into language. The fragments in this sequence act internally as words, blending into one another. Prometheus is not an attempt to document or record the literature that inspired it, but to subvert it, shape it into something new.